Tuesday, January 6, 2009


CSS-Only form

A great example of a table-less form created by Jeff Howden. A real time saver for web developers:

Link Thumbnail with CSS

A great way of previewing what the link you are about to click is about. Why send your users to a website they dont wanna go? Let them preview it through a thumbnail:

CSS Submit Buttons

Almost every single website has a form of some sort. Here’s a good way of treating your beloved form submit button. Great article:

Star Ratings

You see theese more and more. Mostly on CSS Galleries, Netflix, etc. Here’s a looooooong but very interesting article on how to put stars on your already-rocking website:

Target WHO?

Let users decide if they want to open a link in a new window or not. A good article on the subject:
Oh yeah, the link above opens a new window :)

You will never ask about round corners again!

A massive set of techniques to create rounded corners with CSS. Some use images for the corners, some dont. Try the different methods and see what matches your preference. I personally think: The less images the better, but it all depends on what you are trying to create. Enjoy:

Photoshop-Style Drop Shadows with CSS

I was recently working on a project that required each uploaded image to have a drop shadow blow it. After searching all over the place, I found a really simple and comprehensive solution to the problem. Check this out:

CSS Tab Menus!

A great set of CSS Menus created by exploding boy. Take a look at the source code and notice how each menu code is segmented so that it’s easy to follow.

About CSS3.com


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the modern standard for website presentation. When combined with structural markup language like HTML, XHTML, or XML (though not limited to these), CSS provide Internet browsers with the information that enables them to present all the visual aspects and elements of a web document. CSS apply things like borders, spacing between paragraphs, margins, headings on images, control of font faces or colors, background colors and images, textual effects like underlined or strike-through text, layering, positioning, and a number of other presentational effects. CSS controls the presentational aspects of a web page’s design, whereas HTML, XHTML, or XML control the
structure of a webpage, which means more than determining that certain text is a heading, other text is a paragraph, other text os a list of hyperlinks, and so on.
By using modern standards like CSS and XHTML, you can dramatically reduce the cost of building and maintaining a website when compared to legacy HTML-only pages. You can also greatly reduce the amount of physical bandwidth and hard disk space required, resulting in immediate long-term benefits for any webmasters and web visitor


Cascading Style Sheets, commonly referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable. Put simply, CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page or a whole website. With CSS, you can control the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colors are used, as well as a variery of other effects and styles explained here.
The term cascading in Cascading Style Sheets refers to a specific way in which browsers determine which styles to apply to a specific part of the page. This method is called “the cascade”, and it’s from the cascade that CSS takes its name.

CSS3.com’s new style.

What do you think? approve? disapprove? Love it? Hate it?
I like the way all properties were easy to reach before. I will add a list of each one of them to the side menu very soon.
Also, Ive noticed I should have made each one of the properties a “page” and not a “post”. Is there a way to easily change that on wp?

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